Thursday, May 17, 2007

Is Al-Aqsa in our dream only?

Bloodshed between the two groups who sweared to free that Holy Land which was several times captured by unbelivers and enemy of Islam is non other than the example of disunity among the muslim ummah today. Once again, western media got a chance to make fun of the Holy Jehad and its pious intentions, which was faught and successfully won by Prophet(SAW) and those brave companions(R) who faught with no worldly desires, they fighted in the way of Allah and Allah who helped them in front of strong armed armies of unbelievers.

Many questions occurred in my mind about the current scenario of a political mess and crises of Palestinian muslims who are facing obstacles and saw much bloodsheds from decades, Why none of the Arab Countries who are blessed by wealth and power Alhamdulillah tried to help out Palestine? except some moral help from Iran and a Political party Hezbollah of Lebonon both are from Shi'te belief while Palestine is having majority of a sunni muslims. Is it not a duty of a muslim to help other muslims whose property and lives are in danger? As we saw that when U.S.S.R tried to capture Afghanistan many jehadis who were non-afghan got ready to declare jehad against USSR and helped there pathan brothers and faught bravely till russians didn't fled away. Why there is no brotherhood feelings for Palestine?

Hamas and Fatah which are having the young, brave and enthusiastic Palestinian boys who are ready to give there lives to free there country and get back the authorization of Al-Aqsa are fighting now with each other in the greed of political power, in this i see a negative point is in the leadership of both parties, Ismail Haniya and Mohmud Abbas are failed leader and under there leadership first time in the Palestinian history brothers and thirsty for there own brother's blood. Palestine once again need Sheikh Yasin and Yasser Arafat. Palestine need help from Arabs and muslims all over the world.

InshaAllah, I'll come up soon with more on the land of martyers and those brave kids in front of zionist tanks,

The Story of Gaza to Bethlehem.

"Al-Aqsa will be ours as it is belongs to us the party of God"

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